In Which Eeyore Loses a Tail and Pooh Finds One 🧸 (Encore)

Pooh is walking through the woods when he meets Eeyore and they discover Eeyore’s tail is missing. What has happened to it? Pooh says he will help Eeyore find it and heads off to ask Owl about how to do that.  Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark ❤️👂📖 -- 👉 Join Premium for AD FREE listening and extra bedtime stories! 👉 Sleep Tight Premium is now available in Apple Podcasts! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts, or share our podcast with your friends. ❤️ Find us on YouTube: @SleepTightRelax 📷 Instagram: @sleeptightrelax -- About Sleep Tight Relax Prepare to drift calmly off to sleep by listening to our weekly podcast, which mixes relaxation and meditation techniques with rich bedtime stories, calming sounds of nature, and soothing music. Created for kids but safe for all ages, Sleep Tight Relax can make bedtime, quality time by helping busy minds become calm and relaxed. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 5 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉 -- Dedicated to enhancing the health and happiness of children, Sleep Tight Media helps families replace bedtime struggles with bedtime snuggles.  Made in Canada 🇨🇦 -- Advertising provided by Starglow Media. Learn more about Starglow Media here

Om Podcasten

You’re getting *very* sleeeeepy…… 🥱 Sleep Tight Relax is a weekly bedtime show for anyone who needs a good sleep. Get nice and cozy as we tuck you in for bed with a mix of dream-inducing bedtime stories, relaxation techniques, calming sounds, and soothing music. Designed for kids but suitable for sleepers of all ages, Sleep Tight Relax quiets busy minds by making bedtime blissfully calm—the way nature intended. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 4 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉