SFP 013 | With Ian Morgan Cron (Part 2) - How Knowing Your Enneagram Number Can Improve Your Parenting; Your Child's Personality Development; and What Parents of Certain Enneagram Types Need to Be Mi

As parents, we get a front row seat as our children develop and mature. We go through all the highs (and some lows, too) as their individual personalities come to light, and sometimes clash with our own. In this episode we discover how childrens' personalities are shaped and how they are influenced by our personalities. In this second part of our discussion with author and Enneagram teacher Ian Morgan Cron, we delve into how our personalities intersect with our children's and why knowing what motivates us is so important to becoming an effective and self-aware parent. We review the nine pesonalities of the Enneagram and highlight some personality types which may represent a challenge for parenting. Listen as Ian Morgan Cron explains how knowing yourself better can help you to know (and parent) your children better.

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Do you ever feel like being at home isn’t what you thought it would be? Somehow, it just seems to fall short. You try so hard to juggle the moving pieces and keep everyone happy, but you feel like you’re surviving instead of thriving. There’s so much advice about parenting and adult relationships, it’s hard to focus on what you really need to know. Let us help you. We started The Smart Family Podcast with you in mind. We exist to offer you high quality, practical advice to help you strengthen your marriage and boost your parenting to the next level. We’ll help you understand the latest research. We’ll bring you easy-to-digest conversations with experts on family life. We’ll save you time by doing the leg work for you, so you can thrive at home.