SLS266 How to turn prospects into happy paying clients

**I am now over on the Selling To Corporate Podcast: Head on over if you are interested in adding a corporate revenue stream to your business** **Have you ever considered starting a podcast? My podcast producer and I have put together everything you need to know to get your very own podcast off the ground! Check out Podcasting That Pays today:!** Does this sound familiar?  You’ve built your business community, shared your free tips, free newsletters and free content but still can’t quite convert your followers into paying clients? Or are you not on track with your revenue income or just haven’t achieved everything you wanted to yet for Q1? Don’t panic! We’re coming to the end of February and I’m showing you the actions you can put into place to not only have paying clients but to have happy ones too! What’s not to love about that!  In this episode I’m sharing how to: Set and enforce clear boundaries with your clients, do you really want to be available 24/7? Train them into being clients - you can’t give everything away for free! Focus on your strengths in your business and work out what you can convert best. Do you excel in webinars? Are podcasts your thing? Can you get more referrals, be more visible? Quotes: “We have to train people early to be clients. not eternal prospects.” “If you want to train your audience in the right way, you have to make selling a normal part of your process. You have to normalise that approach.” Remember, reviews help us to let more people know about Smart Leaders Sell, so please take a moment to leave a review on your podcast player! Email Jess The C Suite Smart Leaders Sell Products and Courses Selling To Corporate FB Group More Jess! Content Disclaimer The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Jessica Lorimer disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.

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The Smart Leaders Sell Podcast: Wealthy women are changing the world in business. They're stepping up and dominating the online business space and Jessica Lorimer recognized that it was time to create a podcast for female entrepreneurs who want to make an impact AND an income. That's why she created Smart Leaders Sell; the podcast for women who want to be unapologetically wealthy. Join Jess every Monday for a deep dive training on increasing your profits and building your leading business.