crazy selfish bitch, porn, aging, & pregnancy scares

Happy Tuesdayyyyyy, so excited to be back with you cuties for another fun and chaotic episode. Todays episode is fueled by way too much caffeine and some fun chaotic questions. We jump right in with talking about getting piercings, vaginas and pregnancy scares, porn and how it ruins men and how to support ethically, shrooms & how it helped with understanding identity, not trying to box yourself in, you’re the main character but you’re not simple, breakups and creating the breakup bucket list, nicotine is killing your skin and how to quit, being a crazy selfish bitch and owning it, media and how to consume positive media, cones vs bowls debate, presentation anxiety and group anxiety, saying no, saying yes, and finding the power in both, and finally aging and letting yourself age naturally, as well as much much much more, thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today if you wanna catch up more find me on instagram @ hannahmarlene and my patreon for extras and daily updates. Love you all and I’ll see you next Tuesday! MUAH!

Om Podcasten

Life moves fast, so let’s slow down. I’m Hannah, a 24 year old creative, entrepreneur, and your internet best friend. Ive got a lot on my mind, and I’m here to explore life and talk about it all with you! The good, bad, ugly, and embarrassing, nothings off limits at this smoke sesh. So light up, and let’s hang out, welcome to smoke sesh with Hannah.