current favorites (Video EP)

Hello Cuties! Just wanted to hop on here and chat face to face with you guys, consider it a little in person Smoke Sesh. Sorry i'm a day late with the video episode, my computer was taking its sweet time trying to upload but we finally made it! As we rounded out the new year a few of you guys were asking me what my current favorite things are or what are some things that I use daily. Since I promise to never steer you wrong feel free to go grab some munchies, load a bowl, and sit down and hang while I run through some of my favorite things. Stay tuned while I get ahold of this whole editing process and feel free to join me again for our normal episodes of Smoke Sesh coming up this Tuesday. love you all! MUAH!

Om Podcasten

Life moves fast, so let’s slow down. I’m Hannah, a 24 year old creative, entrepreneur, and your internet best friend. Ive got a lot on my mind, and I’m here to explore life and talk about it all with you! The good, bad, ugly, and embarrassing, nothings off limits at this smoke sesh. So light up, and let’s hang out, welcome to smoke sesh with Hannah.