Ray and Silver - S3 | E4

When we fall in love, it is automatic that we desire safety and security in our relationships. In the heteronormative context, women generally celebrate a partner that offers emotional, physical, and financial security and this is exactly what Silver promises Ray when they meet - right at the moment that Ray finds herself in a tight spot and is, in her words, in need of rescue. Join us as we listen to a young woman who loses and then finds her confidence in a situation where hopeless surrender is at first an easier option. You can support this podcast via our mpesa till number 9095819 or PayPal sothisislovepodcastke@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

Welcome to So This is Love, a podcast about love, the loss of love, heartbreak and the meeting of self. We share stories on how the relationships we once had teach us about who we are and define who we become. And maybe through these stories, we can answer that age old question; is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?