Interview with Emily Bache

We are back with a new episode featuring Emily Bache. We start with a heuristic close to her work, “Working software is not enough, we need well-crafted software”. Emily shares her view on how code quality is essential, not only for the code maintainability but also to onboard new people on the team, increasing productivity. The interview flows towards team culture and management; she shares her experiences about how friction can arise in a team that produces software with no shared values and rituals that trickle down to code. She explains how all of those decisions and misalignments contribute to the complexity of the codebase. Emily recommends the following resources: Samman Technical Coaching - Approval Tests - Text Test - Dig Deep Roots Newsletter - Emily (@emilybache) is a Technical Agile Coach with ProAgile. She is the author of "Technical Agile Coaching with the Samman method", a maintainer of Gilded Rose Refactoring Kata and other exercises and a frequent conference speaker.

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You can listen to the weekly episodes where João Rosa (@joaoasrosa) interview one guest. We will discuss the views on one heuristic (or rule of thumbs). It will be a relaxed conversation about the crafts around the software.