Running a successful dev shop with Martin Gratzer

In this episode, I talk to Martin Gratzer, CEO, and founder of Topmind. Topmind is a successful boutique dev shop in the heart of Carinthia in Austria. Martin shares with me, how he managed to build a striving development agency far way from Silicon Valey and other tech hot spots. We talk about: - why he decided to start his own company,  - what helped him get started on his entrepreneurial journey, - how he managed to be successful by focusing on a niche, - what he advises others that want to freelance or build up the dev shop, - and behind the scenes info on what it means to develop software as an agency. 

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In this show, I open you the doors to companies and thought leaders around the world. With my guests, I discuss software engineering best practices and pitfalls, and how they strive to build software people love.