Faucet Deep Dive on Software Gone Wild

This podcast introduction was written by Nick Buraglio, the host of today’s podcast. In the original days of this podcast, there were heavy, deep discussions about this new protocol called “OpenFlow”. Like many of our most creative innovations in the IT field, OpenFlow came from an academic research project that aimed to change the way that we as operators managed, configured, and even thought about networking fundamentals. For the most part, this project did what it intended, but once the marketing machine realized the flexibility of the technology and its potential to completely change the way we think about vendors, networks, provisioning, and management of networking, they were off to the races. We all know what happened next.Read more …

Om Podcasten

A podcast focusing on real-life SDN, NFV and SDDC architectures and solutions that work outside of the cozy environment of vendor-branded PowerPoint.