Money Mindset Chats w/ Morgan Blackman of Holistic Bucks PLUS Rye + Jess Share how their Upbringing Impacted their Personal Relationships w/Money
This episode is all about REWRITING your personal story around money (especially when it is NOT serving you!). In this episode, the sisters chat with Morgan Blackman, founder of Holistic Bucks, who helps millennial women confidently build up their savings, invest and build wealth! In the intro to this episode, Rye and Jess share HOW their upbringing impacted each of their relationships with $ (hint: one was a super saver, one was a spender). Then they call in Morgan to get into the theme of the episode: Improving our Money through Mindset, Rituals & Habits Morgan's advice for rewriting your personal story with money Releasing limited beliefs around $ Improving mindset Creating 'SMART' goals Paying yourself first CONNECT WITH MORGAN Download her FREE eBook "Mastering Your Money Mindset" + find her website HERE Follow Morgan on instagram @HolisticBucks CONNECT WITH US Shoot us an email! Send us a DM! Solo 2.0 Podcast on @SOLO2.0PODCAST Follow Rye on Instagram @ryeburch and Jess @bodyblissbyjess