The Covid/Climate Sceptic Movement 2/2 - Tory Donors

This is an emergency broadcast! In the past week or so there has been a substantial pivot in the conspiracy world from the usual Covid conspiracy theories onto Climate Change conspiracy theories. It's been bubbling away under the surface for a while but we have seen a massive push recently by many of the usual conspiracy influencers. In light of this we are replaying another of Neil's blogs to show the link between lockdown skeptics and climate change skeptics! This is PART TWO: Covid Tory Donors The main problem with the alternative media’s response to the covid crisis was that they confused contrarianism with critical thinking. When it was announced in early 2020 that there was a pandemic - the alt media en masse simply took the stance - "no there isn't - if the TV and the MSM News says there is, then it stands to reason that the opposite is true." - This is not critical thinking, it’s not even free thinking - it’s a mantra. So as the evidence stacked up that some sort of worldwide pandemic might be afoot the alternative media doubled and tripled down - swearing blind that no such virus had been proven to exist, or that mainstays of medical procedure used for thirty years were now not fit for purpose, that they knew of absolutely no one that had been affected by this so called disease and that the whole thing was pretty much a hoax. Some even went so far as to convince themselves that viruses themselves don't exist - bless your heart." We will continue with the Cambridge Analytica series next week! —---- Some Dare Call It Conspiracy is produced entirely by Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. Consider supporting us and get access to exclusive content by joining our Patreon. Patreon - Or support us by subscribing, sharing, liking or leaving a review wherever your listening to us and follow us on: YouTube - Podcast - Twitter - Twitter - Twitter - Web - Web - a supporter of this podcast:

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Welcome to Some Dare Call It Conspiracy with Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. A podcast that aims to deconstruct and demystify popular conspiracy theories. After 20 years exploring the world of Conspiracy Culture, we're taking our guests & listeners on a guided tour of the Rabbit Hole. Our mission? To discover where the truth lies. - Brent Lee is a former believer in the NWO/Illuminati Grand Conspiracy and was an activist in the Truth Movement from 2003-2018. Neil Sanders is an author covering True Crime and Psychology with a particular interest in the history of mind manipulation techniques.Become a supporter of this podcast: