Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) with Kate Garvie of Heartbeet farm!
Are sweet potatoes related to potatoes? What are some root colors other than orange? What do you need to know before growing Ipomoea batatas in your garden?In this episode I was joined by Kate Garvie of Heartbeet farm to discuss all things Ipomoea batatas!Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)Where to learn more about and reach Kate:kate@heartbeetfarm.cahttps://heartbeetfarm.ca/https://www.facebook.com/heartbeetfhttps://instagram.com/heartbeet_farm?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=The EFAO farmer led research program:https://efao.ca/wp-content/uploads/EFAO-Sweet-Potatoes-2020-final-audio.pdf