3 Great Hacks to Regain Inspiration

FREE GUIDE LINK: https://songwritertheory.com/freeguide/Website: https://songwritertheory.com/Follow Me on Twitter: @josephNVadala Episode Writeup:Sometimes life is going too well. There’s no drama, no heartbreak, no despair to write about. Maybe your teenage angst is gone or you just don’t love tractors the way you used to.So sometimes it can be hard to maintain or regain inspiration.We’re going to discover 3 great hacks to regain inspiration.Go Back or Forward in TimeJust because your current situation is nothing like your past experiences doesn’t mean you can’t draw from them.Even if you’re happily married with 3 kids, I bet you still remember what it felt like when you had your heart broken for the first time.Even if you have found your way out of an abusive relationship, I bet you remember all the emotions you were dragged through.Even if everything is going wrong now, I bet you remember that feeling of hope- even if you have to dig far to find it.The good thing about experiences is they stay with us. Not only do they shape who we are, but they will forever remain a pool of emotions and experiences to dive back into. Only, this time, you can stay broken hearted for the hour you’re writing and then go back to your good life. Ah, much better.We can go forward in time too. Having friends with children may help you imagine the feeling of holding your own child.Imagining the pain caused by a spouse with cancer becomes something that feels more real and possible when you know someone close to your age who has gone through it.And we can even let our imaginations get out of control and imagine a bright or dark future. Like a dream that feels so real when you wake up, it’s amazing how real a fake future can feel if you take the time to dive into it.Lastly, you can use current experiences to bring more realism to your past experiences. Maybe you could never relate to your overprotective mother and how she worried about you. But your daughter just went on her first date. The shotgun is loaded and you’re ready to write a song from your mom’s perspective as she worried about you.Look at the Real World Around YouThere is a whole world around you. There are countless people you are friends with, work with, and simply see walk down the street. Surely there are experiences you can pull from outside of your own.The easiest and most obvious group to pull from are those close to you. Your spouse, closest friends, relatives and co-workers.It is amazing what kind of inspiration can come from a single bro talk. Just talking to someone about something other than small talk can go a long way.I wrote a breakup song from my friend’s perspective years before I had ever experienced a breakup. And, you know what? When I did experience that, I realized just how accurate what I wrote was. Very accurate.I also wrote a song on the hopelessness I saw from some of my co-workers from my first job.I’ve utilized a combination of my own experiences with the emotions and experiences of my wife to write several songs. You can really tap into the emotions of something affecting someone you care about.We can even draw from people we observe but don’t know well. Maybe a single mother you see struggling to keep calm as she is in a restaurant with her 4 kids. Maybe that girl at your college you always notice sitting alone for dinner (note: also, go talk to this person, we all need a friend).Even the homeless man you say good morning to as you walk from your parking garage to your work building can provide inspiration for your writing.Lastly, you can write from the experiences of people you don’t know, but can empathize with. This could be people in another country who are facing persecution or people trying to survive a natural disaster. Maybe there was a heartwarming story about a police officer saving a little boy’s life.Whatever is going on in the world, if you can empathise, you should be able to tap into that empathy to be inspired.Look to Stories and Other FictionSometimes a movie leaves us in tears. Sometimes, when we finish a book, we feel sad as it feels we’ve seen a friend for the last time.

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Let's learn songwriting! Learn to write impactful and meaningful songs by writing great melodies, lyrics that move your listeners, and arrangements and chord progressions that evoke the right emotions.Do you want to write emotional and powerful melodies? Learn to write incredible melodies, regardless of your musical background.Do you wish you could write incredible lyrics that move your listeners? Learn how to write great lyrics that are worthy of being framed and hung up on your wall.Want to make full, rich arrangements that sound fully professional? Learn how to arrange in a way that makes your song shine.Do you sometimes have trouble finding inspiration or staying productive? Learn how to find, maintain and regain inspiration as well as remain productive in your creative processes.Do you ever get overwhelmed by songwriting?Do you find yourself getting into creative ruts?Do you wish your songwriting efficiency was better?If you want asimpleguide to learn to get past the overwhelm of songwriting, thisshow is for you!So let's learn how to songwrite with music theory, lyric writing, creative productivity, inspiration, and more!Anyone who's ever had feelings or thoughts can become a songwriter, so let's dive deep into our inner creator and learn how to write songs!If you want to dive even deeper, gograb my free guide on 10 proven ways to start writing a song in under an hour here: http://songwritertheory.com/free-guide/