Lyric Writing Tools #5 - Multiple Meanings

SHORT SURVEY LINK: help me help you better with the content you need by filling this out! FREE GUIDE LINK: It’s day 5 of our Week of Lyric Writing Tools. This time, we’re going to look at utilizing multiple meanings in lyrics.  Multiple MeaningsSymbolism is one-directional. You have a symbol that represents something “real”. But you can also have multiple meanings, which is bi-directinal. Instead of a “fake” symbol representing the “real” thing you’re talking about, you have something literal you are utilizing to also symbolize something deeper.Multiple meanings doesn’t even need to have any symbolic one. And you aren’t even limited to 2 meanings.Listen for more!

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Let's learn songwriting! Learn to write impactful and meaningful songs by writing great melodies, lyrics that move your listeners, and arrangements and chord progressions that evoke the right emotions.Do you want to write emotional and powerful melodies? Learn to write incredible melodies, regardless of your musical background.Do you wish you could write incredible lyrics that move your listeners? Learn how to write great lyrics that are worthy of being framed and hung up on your wall.Want to make full, rich arrangements that sound fully professional? Learn how to arrange in a way that makes your song shine.Do you sometimes have trouble finding inspiration or staying productive? Learn how to find, maintain and regain inspiration as well as remain productive in your creative processes.Do you ever get overwhelmed by songwriting?Do you find yourself getting into creative ruts?Do you wish your songwriting efficiency was better?If you want asimpleguide to learn to get past the overwhelm of songwriting, thisshow is for you!So let's learn how to songwrite with music theory, lyric writing, creative productivity, inspiration, and more!Anyone who's ever had feelings or thoughts can become a songwriter, so let's dive deep into our inner creator and learn how to write songs!If you want to dive even deeper, gograb my free guide on 10 proven ways to start writing a song in under an hour here: