Sonic TALK 751 - Chompi, Hydrasynth OS 2.0, Behringers and Viewer Questions

Guests Gaz Williams - Producer, bassplayer, music technologist Divkid - modular specialist Youtube video: For preshow and Ad free version and much more: The Future of Mastering is Ozone 10 - Master Assistant - match your mix to a reference file, Stabilizer - clarity with intelligent adaptive mastering EQ, Impact Module - micro dynamics adjustments to enhance the rhythmic content  Head over to  now to get a 7-day free trial and save with the code SONIC10  - save 15% on any purchases of their range of creative effect plugins, designed to add color and depth to your mixes. When checking out, use the code ST15 00:00:16 SHOW START00:03:19 Coming up00:13:24 Chompi00:21:01 AD: Baby Audio - Save 15% With ST15 Code00:21:55 Arithmophone00:34:47 AD: iZotope OZone 1000:35:51 Major Hydrasynth Update00:43:03 New Batch of Old Behringers00:49:49 Par8mecium asks via - youtube - QQ for Gaz - Did you ever explore the Eventide EuroDDL further? Wondering how that worked out for you or if you moved on to something else.00:53:09 JHVE asks via - irc - QQ Anybody still using what we might think  of as antiquated gear (I mean besides Paulee) ADATs synclavier? fairlights Radars?00:58:45 nickhowesuk asks via - twitch - QQ for Nick... without naming names is there anything under embargo from NAMM this year that's making you dribble with excitement ? Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube Live,  Facebook Live as well as at every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in.Preshow available on Twitch.You can also download the audio version from RSS FEED 

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Music Technology discussions - from the inside. Contributions from musicians, producers, software developers, journalists and other industry folks. editor Nick Batt hosts the panel for the latest news and trends in technology that affects the creation and distribution of music - and a few tasty stories from the studio too. Live every Wednesday at 4pm UK time (