108. Ask Us Anything (Reader Q & A)

In this episode, Courtney & Bailey answer questions submitted by wonderful listeners. From retreats to college decisions, to finding calm, they share tips and ideas to help you manage life with more joy and simplicity..    Favorite Things Courtney: Downton Abbey  The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd   Favorite Things Bailey: Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner  The Laundress Fabric Fresh    PATREON:Support us on Patreon! Check out our Tall, Grande and Venti tiers.   Episode Notes and Resources:  The Book Truck  Bailey Interviews Courtney  Courtney interviews Bailey  Creating a Morning Routine that Works for You    If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Soul & Wit, contact us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com   Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com

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Your new favorite mother-daughter duo talking about things (that aren’t things) together and with special guests. Join Courtney Carver and Bailey Carver talking about simplicity, wellness, happiness and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we'll be interviewing amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life.