113. Things we grow into (and out of)
Courtney and Bailey talk about things they’ve grow into and out of and why. From food, travel, and shopping to relationships, body image, and connections, this duo shares how things have shifted. Plus, they also share things their listeners grow into and out of. Favorite Things Bailey: Airpod cleaner Cuticle serum Favorite Things Courtney: Business Workshop: bemorewithless.com/bloom/ PATREON:Support us on Patreon! Check out our Tall, Grande and Venti tiers. Join Us on May 6th for the Bloom Workshop! Episode Notes and Resources: Episode 9 Boundaries Episode 62 Boundaries Just for You If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Soul & Wit, contact us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com