151. Favorites Interview with Author Cyndie Spiegel

Cyndie Spiegel is a born storyteller–turned–writer. She is a beloved inspirational speaker, author, wife, kitten raiser and plant propagator. Her new book, Microjoys came from a time of months of Loss and grief which came at her in crashing waves, and she found it nearly impossible to surface for happiness, except in small moments that she began to call "microjoys" -- little bits of beauty or pleasure or unexpected light amidst the darkness.   PATREON: Support us on Patreon here!    Episode Notes and Resources:  Cyndie Spiegel New Book: Microjoys When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron  https://www.cyndiespiegel.com/ Cyndie on Instagram   If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Soul & Wit, contact us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com   Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com  

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Your new favorite mother-daughter duo talking about things (that aren’t things) together and with special guests. Join Courtney Carver and Bailey Carver talking about simplicity, wellness, happiness and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we'll be interviewing amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life.