25. Beginner’s Series: CBD 101
In this episode, Courtney & Bailey interview Gabe Kennedy, Co-founder of Plant People. This is the first in a new “beginner’s series” introducing you something you might be curious about. Today’s topic is CBD and Gabe is the expert. He’s a trained chef and Plant People was an evolution in his embrace of alternative medicine (from a household of healers, his parents are acupuncturists and herbalists). Plant People is a philosophy. Alongside its high quality and innovative products, the company exists to empower people in making alternative and altogether more positive choices when it comes to healing the body and mind.
In this Beginner’s episode on CBD, you’ll learn:
What CBD really is.
The different forms of CBD.
How CBD can be used for different things like pain, sleep, and anxiety.
The responsibilities of companies to consider more than just the product they are creating and how consumers can connect with brands that are doing right by people and the environment.
Legalities around CBD
Courtney’s experience with CBD
The shelf life of CBD and herbal extracts.
The positives and negatives of the rapidly growing CBD industry.
Find links to everything mentioned in the show notes on soulandwit.com