47. Making the Most of 2020

If you want to make the last two months of the year more meaningful, tune in for ideas and recommendations. This is often the time of year when we start thinking about the new year (even though there are two more months left in the current year). It’s easy to designate November/December as holiday months and save all of our good intentions for January. We suggest spending just as much time considering how to close a year as how to open one.    Favorite Things: Bailey: Rom Com Pods New Season My fuzzy slippers   Courtney: All things apple (instead of pumpkin) This quote: “Enough is a decision, not an amount.” - Alison Faulkner.    If you are interested in advertising email us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com   Resources mentioned on the show:   Enneagram   Strengthsfinder   Myers Briggs   Better Help   Human Design Chart   Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com OR @soulandwitpodcast

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Your new favorite mother-daughter duo talking about things (that aren’t things) together and with special guests. Join Courtney Carver and Bailey Carver talking about simplicity, wellness, happiness and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we'll be interviewing amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life.