70. Then and Now: Looking Back and Staying Present
Courtney and Bailey look back and what business and life was like this time last year compared to now. From early pandemic panic and uncertainty and coping strategies to being vaccinated and creating new work, it has been a year. Favorite Things: Bailey: Unbothered Journal Claw Clips Pinterest Management Courtney: Plant People CBD Sleep Drops House tour in the Simplicity Space Episode Notes and Resources: Soul & Wit Episode on CBD Project 333The Simplicity Space Bailey’s Instagram Reels Profit First If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Soul & Wit, contact us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com OR @soulandwitpodcast