79. Social Media: The small tweaks that deliver more joy
Social media is part of all of our lives (except for the few who have opted out) and that’s why it’s so important for us to do a little check in and make sure we are using it in a way that positively impacts our lives and the lives around us. Today we are going to discuss some recent Instagram changes and small tweaks you can make to be happier online and off. Favorite Things: Bailey: Home Chef Meals Fun plant lady doormat Courtney: A tree in the backyard Vive Juicery If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of Soul & Wit, contact us here: soulandwitpodcast@gmail.com Where you can find us: Bailey: @beautifuldetour or www.beautifuldetour.com Courtney: @bemorewithless or www.bemorewithless.com OR @soulandwitpodcast