Grief - The Portal to Power & Freedom with Donna Lancaster

Welcome to another episode of the Soul Surgery Podcast. I am so excited to have you here today as we dive into the topic of grief. This week I had the pleasure of being joined by Donna Lancaster, who is so aptly known as the Queen of Grief. It's a subject that most people would prefer to ignore because it understandably brings up many painful emotions. But Donna manages to bring light and joy to a topic that is so often avoided. You will hear us dive deeply into the wounds that we unknowingly hold in our bodies and how grief can serve as the gateway to transformation and deepen our ability to love and live in joy. Donna explains how she was  initially drawn to this work after a diagnosis of depression. She dealt with this for over 20 years, carrying that label and not understanding what it meant or how to heal. It was only after sitting with this for a long time that she had an aha moment and realised that she wasn’t depressed but was dealing with unprocessed grief. This episode will teach you to view heartbreak as a transformative portal to let in light and joy. This episode is one of my favourites so far and I can’t wait for you to listen. Highlights Why grief is not always related to bereavement, there are many different types of grief a person can experience. Grief is not the price we pay for love. GRIEF IS LOVE. It is an access point, and it’s another way to honour the life of those we love. How to support your body so that it feels safe to release grief in a healthy and supported way. When your heart breaks, it also opens. A heartbreak is a beautiful opening for change, transformation, and rebirth. Why depression, anxiety, IBS, and other health issues can appear when we don’t allow ourselves to sit with and process our grief. How we can sit with and move through the communal grief going on in the world right now and how to find the courage required to let go and surrender. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. So many of us are experiencing collective grief right now, and I hope this episode provided you with some tools to BE WITH the pain and allow it to be your access point to an abundance of love and joy. I would be so grateful if you could leave a review on iTunes, and we can share this message of healing and wholeness with as many people as possible. Connect with Nicky Instagram Website  Awakening Collective

Om Podcasten

Nicky Clinch is a world-renowned Maturation Coach, Integrative Counsellor, Breathwork Facilitator, Author and Founder of The Academy of Maturation Coaching: The Alchemy of Being. As featured in Vogue, The Times and Psychologies, her work supports women to dissolve limiting patterns and come home to their whole authentic self. Join Nicky as she explores health, spirituality and transformation with the world's most prominent teachers and shares her coaching sessions with clients from all over the world so you can discover how to heal your trauma and open up to new possibilities for life.