Transformational Communication in Relationship

Welcome to another episode of the Soul Surgery Podcast. Thank you for tuning in to listen to this episode where I sit with my husband Kevin to speak about communication in relationships. We talk about all the areas which block our ability to communicate, to hear, to listen to each other and how to be able to have a certain kind of communication that creates life, love and feeds the relationship so it can thrive. We tend to get into relationships with an expectation around communication based on our own personal childhood experiences. However, we discuss the possibility of communication with such peace, freedom and nourishment that there’s no need to hide any part of ourselves, including where we are coming from. Episode Highlights: · We speak about the different layers of communication in relationship · How our childhood experiences create certain unconscious expectations in our communication as adults that affect the relationship · How important it is to bring conscious awareness to our communication so that our partner feels safe enough to fully express themselves and disentangle the mechanical expectations of communication from what is actually being said in the present moment · The polarity between masculine and feminine and the dance to navigate those dynamics in a relationship · We all have our shadow sides but when we bring consciousness to our own and our partner’s programming, we can become so much more compassionate and considerate of the other person, instead of being judgmental · How the commitment to be in a loving enquiry with the other being creates a spirit of partnership coming from conscious awareness If we are able to suspend the idea that our partner is to blame for our unhappiness and realise that we are often looking at an intimate mirror that shows us where we need to heal, a relationship can actually offer a massive opportunity for growth. I hope this episode has helped you. Please share with me any aha moments that you had as I love hearing from you. Thank you for listening. Pre-Sales of my book SURRENDER If you too feel ready to re-create your relationships or your life by breaking free of old patterns on a holistic level, across mind, body and soul, I invite you to pre-order my book SURRENDER. SURRENDER is a book that will walk you through a life changing process of maturation. Of breaking free of the vicious cycle of repeated stuck patterns, stories and belief systems, trauma and ancestral wounds.   A book where I guide you through a deep healing journey of SURRENDERING of who you are NOT so that you can unfurl into who you were BORN TO BE. Connect with Nicky Instagram Website Awakening Collective

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Nicky Clinch is a world-renowned Maturation Coach, Integrative Counsellor, Breathwork Facilitator, Author and Founder of The Academy of Maturation Coaching: The Alchemy of Being. As featured in Vogue, The Times and Psychologies, her work supports women to dissolve limiting patterns and come home to their whole authentic self. Join Nicky as she explores health, spirituality and transformation with the world's most prominent teachers and shares her coaching sessions with clients from all over the world so you can discover how to heal your trauma and open up to new possibilities for life.