Sound Journey Babu

It's all starts with a spark of was my morning walk in the apartment in Paris, interacting with the cat and putting the water on for morning tea.

then I take you to the forest in south India where I wake up to a handful of bird conversations...

a performance almost 10 years ago in Chennai , beautifully distorted ... and in between the magic keys that helps me a paint the way....

Enjoy Listening


Om Podcasten

SOUND JOURNEYS - exotic travel thru sound. with a planet flooded with noise , we hardly get a chance to experience and appreciate the obvious soundscape environment around us. We need silence and silence come from conscious listening. My name is Yotam, am a sound designer, and a Yoga teacher. I invite you to close your eyes for a few moments and come experience the world with me trough my ears. In each episode we will visit places around the world, from landscapes to cityscapes, people, conversations and many more.Headphones ON, Eyes closed. Breath.