Frank Warren — The Art of Authenticity

In 2004, Frank Warren started an art project called PostSecret. He asked strangers to mail their secrets they'd never shared with anyone to his house. The game plan was to put the few postcards he received into an art exhibit… but he just kept receiving more and more. Frank started a lo-fi blog where he shared a handful of secrets once a week. Now, PostSecret is the largest advertisement-free blog in the world and he’s received more than a million postcards from strangers. -- SOCIAL: @postsecret on Twitter and Facebook. | @brandenharvey on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & Snapchat | You can find more podcasts like Sounds Good at

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Sounds Good hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can get involved and make a difference. Every week, Good Good Good founder Branden Harvey sits down with the people driving positive change against the world's greatest problems. Each episode will leave you with a sense of hope about the good in the world — and a sense of direction on how we can all be a part of that good. Episodes are released every Monday. Dive deeper into these stories and find more good news at and @goodgoodgoodco.