Jad Abumrad: The Sound of Radiolab

Radiolab is one of the most distinctive sounding shows in the radio and podcast world. In this episode, creator and co-host of the show Jad Abumrad talks about how he uses music as a metaphor to explore abstract topics like what a manta shrimp sees when it looks at a rainbow, why it’s important to drop into the story mid-stream, why he deliberately disrespects the boundary between sound effects and music, and how he aspires to tell complex stories without words. This podcast is sponsored by The Dolby Institute: www.dolby.com/us/en/dolby-institute.html

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The goal for the SoundWorks Collection is simple; we are dedicated to profiling the greatest and upcoming sound minds from around the world and highlight their contributions. We take you behind the scenes and straight to the dub stage for a look into audio post-production for feature films, video game sound design, and original soundtrack composition.