Paul Lipson Keynote - GameSoundCon 2018

An award-winning executive, audio director and composer, Paul’s career has taken him all over the world and has helped him innovate and advocate as a leading figure in the interactive entertainment industry. As the creative leader of Formosa Interactive, he works as the Vice President of Creative Services - driving strategy, content development, and audio pipelines with the famed award winning team in Los Angeles, California. GameSoundCon is two days of intensive sessions, panels and masterclasses on the business, creative and technical challenges of game music and sound, designed for those coming from Film, TV, music and other more traditional media.

Om Podcasten

The goal for the SoundWorks Collection is simple; we are dedicated to profiling the greatest and upcoming sound minds from around the world and highlight their contributions. We take you behind the scenes and straight to the dub stage for a look into audio post-production for feature films, video game sound design, and original soundtrack composition.