Dark Matter Dynamics, Solar Flare Trio, and Meteor Shower Wonders: S28E07

SpaceTime Series 28 Episode 07Dark Matter's Role in Milky Way's Stellar StreamsNew research suggests that dark matter may have influenced the formation of the GD-1 stellar stream in the Milky Way. A study in the Astrophysical Journal Letters proposes that a core-collapsing, self-interacting dark matter subhalo could explain the unusual spur and gap features observed in the stream. This finding could deepen our understanding of dark matter's properties and its influence on the universe.Sun's Triple Solar Flare EruptionThe Sun has unleashed three significant X-class solar flares in a single day, with the first and third being X1.1 flares and the second an X1.5. These powerful eruptions, detected by NOAA's Solar Ultraviolet Imager, are part of the Sun's approach to solar maximum, the peak of its 11-year solar cycle. Solar flares can disrupt Earth's communications, power grids, and pose health risks to astronauts.Quadrantids Meteor Shower SpectacleThe Earth is experiencing the Quadrantids meteor shower, offering a dazzling display of shooting stars. Originating from the near-Earth asteroid 2003 EH1, the Quadrantids are best viewed from dark locations, with peak sightings expected in the Pacific region. Sky watchers can anticipate around 50 meteors per hour, with potential fireballs enhancing the spectacle.00:00 This is space time series 28 episode 7 for broadcast on 15 January 202500:46 New research proposes a self interacting dark matter subhalo could explain GD1 features04:24 The sun unleashed three significant X class solar flares on the same day07:19 Earth is experiencing one of its most spectacular meteor showers, the Quadrantids14:31 A quarter of the world's freshwater animals are at risk of extinction16:43 Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg admits that his fact checkers are dishonest20:28 CES has wrapped up in Las Vegas with lots of interesting gadgetswww.spacetimewithstuartgary.comwww.bitesz.com🌏 Get Our Exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ www.bitesz.com/nordvpn. Enjoy incredible discounts and bonuses! Plus, it’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌Check out our newest sponsor - Old Glory - Iconic Music and Sports Merch and now with official NASA merchandise. Well worth a look...Become a supporter of this Podcast for as little as $3 per month and access commercial-free episodes plus bonuses: https://www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com/about✍️ Episode ReferencesUniversity of California, Riverside[ucr.edu](https://www.ucr.edu/)Astrophysical Journal Letters[iopscience.iop.org/journal/8205](https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/2041-8205)3--- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)[noaa.gov](https://www.noaa.gov/)Royal Astronomical Society[ras.ac.uk](https://www.ras.ac.uk/)Journal of Nature[nature.com](https://www.nature.com/)Journal of the American Medical Association[jamanetwork.com](https://jamanetwork.com/)Facebook[facebook.com](https://www.facebook.com/)Babylon Bee[babylonbee.com](https://babylonbee.com/)Tech Advice Stuart Life[techadvice.com](https://www.techadvice.com/)Space Time with Stuart Gary[spacetimewithstuartgary.com](https://spacetimewithstuartgary.com/)Become a supporter of this podcast:

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