475: Wayfinding and finding our way

Remember the olden days—like 2 months ago—when you could just head out the door and wander wherever you felt like it, exploring the world around you? We humans are deeply spatial creatures. Our sense of space is tied to how we know the world around us, and how we remember it. Nora talks to the author of a new book on the neuroscience of wayfinding, and what it means when we find our way by GPS—and our physical terrain becomes increasingly virtual. And, if you go to the heart of a city or town, you find its cultural hubs: museums, theatres, sports stadiums, which are anchor spaces that tie the community together. Now those spaces are shuttered by the pandemic, how are arts and culture adapting? + Kit Chokly, curator of Ottawa's Isolation Museum + Sara Diamond, president and vice-chancellor of OCAD University + Michael Bond, science writer and the author of Wayfinding: The Art and Science of How We Find and Lose Our Way.

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Spark on CBC Radio One Nora Young helps you navigate your digital life by connecting you to fresh ideas in surprising ways.