E 182 How to Build MASSIVE Social Capital Using Your Elevator Pitch

Influence starts with a first impression. This is a mini-episode that will tell you exactly what you need to know about improving your elevator pitch to build massive social capital. In fifteen fast-paced minutes Laura will cover: - The most important quality you bring to a conversation - The number one tip for taking leadership of the conversation - Some ways to talk about your work to communicate the value you bring to the table - How to OWN all that you have to offer - The number one turn-off in introductory conversations - Tips for maneuvering networking events as an introvert This episode is brought to you by The Practical Guide to Effective Communication: Get Recognized for the Value You Already Contribute

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Speak Up with Laura Camacho is ranked #2 of the Top Communication Skills Podcasts by Feedspot. Laura Camacho, PhD, is a culture fixer. She defines a healthy culture as one where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. She helps companies and individuals fine-tune precision communication skills that build a healthy culture and a better bottom line.