E 207 Escape the Performance Paradox with Eduardo Briceño

There is a point where powering through doesn’t work. If you feel stuck in your career trajectory, it could be you’re caught in the performance paradox. Join this fascinating conversation about what to do when working harder stops working. In this interview with Growth-Mindset expert, Eduardo Briceño, Laura highlights ways leaders can strengthen their team cultures, cultivate growth mindsets in their teams, and adapt better learning strategies. Eduardo’s book, The Performance Paradox, was just released September, 2023. The team is the strongest cultural unit. – Eduardo Briceño Unless you’re driving, grab your pencil ✏️ and note down these these takeaways and more! 🧩How leaders can best model growth mindset for their teams 🛟Are you always in the Performance Zone or the Learning Zone? 💰A juicy performance anecdote from Cirque du Soleil's training center 🎤You don’t learn from your mistakes unless you do this one thing 🏆Ego is often the secret career saboteur, recognize the symptoms! ABOUT THIS WEEK’S GUEST: Eduardo Briceño is a global keynote speaker, facilitator, and program provider who supports organizations in developing cultures of learning and high performance. Earlier in his career, he was the co-founder and CEO of Mindset Works, the first company to offer growth mindset development services. Previously, he was a venture capital investor with the Sprout Group. His TED Talk, How to Get Better at the Things You Care About, and his prior TEDx Talk, The Power of Belief, have been viewed more than nine million times. He is a Pahara-Aspen Fellow, a member of the Aspen Institute’s Global Leadership Network, and an inductee in the Happiness Hall of Fame FOR YOU: This episode is brought to you by the Swiss Army knife of compelling communication, aka The Practical Guide to Effective Communication by Laura Camacho. Makes a helpful gift for anyone who wants to experience success in life as communication is at least 90% of the value we bring to the table. To bring Laura Camacho to your team(s) , schedule a quick call here. See more about her work at www.speakupwithlaura.com Enjoy this episode? Please leave us a 5-start ⭐️podcast review to help others find this life-altering insight. As in karma.

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Speak Up with Laura Camacho is ranked #2 of the Top Communication Skills Podcasts by Feedspot. Laura Camacho, PhD, is a culture fixer. She defines a healthy culture as one where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. She helps companies and individuals fine-tune precision communication skills that build a healthy culture and a better bottom line.