E 221 - 5 Steps to Be More Articulate

In this mini podcast episode of Speak Up with Laura Camacho, the host, Laura, focuses on the executive theme of being articulate. The episode is concise, lasting less than 20 minutes, and is part of a series where Laura delves into specific topics without conducting interviews. 80% of what we do, probably it's more like 99%, is communication and it needs to be effective. Even with intimidating audiences. You must be able to get your point across and persuade other people and be likable. ( I know that's controversial for some of you but it's true.) And people have to know you, trust you, and like you, and this mini-episode lays it all out for you. She defines what it means to be articulate, and goes on to share her five steps to becoming more articulate. The five steps, all starting with the letter 'S,' are as follows: 🎤Speak up: Laura encourages listeners to practice articulation by speaking up more often in various settings, focusing on clarity. 🔥Sell it before you tell it: Highlighting the importance of providing reasons for others to listen, she suggests emphasizing the benefits of your message before delivering it. 🔑Structure: Laura stresses the need for a clear structure in communication, emphasizing a beginning, middle, and end. She mentions the "goal problem solution" structure as effective. 🏆Sizzle: The host introduces the concept of a "sizzle file" containing interesting words and expressions that can be incorporated into communication to add flair. 🎶Slow down: Laura recommends slowing down speech to sound more intelligent, allowing better comprehension and understanding by the audience. Throughout the episode, she provides examples of articulate communication, referencing her favorite, brilliant author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's work. Learn how to work on these steps to improve their executive communication in everyday conversations and emails. FOR YOU: This episode is brought to you by the Swiss Army knife of compelling communication, aka The Practical Guide to Effective Communication by Laura Camacho. Makes a helpful gift for anyone who wants to experience success in life as communication is about 90% of the value we bring to the table. To have Laura Camacho put your peeps through a learning experience where they literally build their influence skills in real time, schedule a quick call. See more at www.speakupwithlaura.com Want to actually make the world better? Please leave us a 5-star ⭐️podcast review to help others find this life-altering insight. We appreciate your contribution to our goal of reaching 100 podcast reviews by June 1, 2024!

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Speak Up with Laura Camacho is ranked #2 of the Top Communication Skills Podcasts by Feedspot. Laura Camacho, PhD, is a culture fixer. She defines a healthy culture as one where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. She helps companies and individuals fine-tune precision communication skills that build a healthy culture and a better bottom line.