E176: Make a Positive Impression with Patricia Mae Olson

Welcome to episode #2 in the Supper Club Series! This conversation spotlights publicist Patricia Mae Olson (@patricia_mae_olson), an influencer, owner of Piqued PR, podcaster, and member of the Supper Club, a group of high-end lifestyle business owners. Patricia’s PR firm, Piqued PR operates in the suburbs of Philadelphia and offers public relations, social media management, influencer marketing, events for fashion and lifestyle brands. Patricia Mae believes in decorating colorfully, entertaining in style, and dressing preppy with a twist. The way you present yourself communicates to your audience, even before you open your mouth. Learn about the connection between appearance and perception, and some high ROI tips to look your best. In this chic and chatty episode we share some lovely jewels for you: - How Instagram changed advertising and its audiences - The Instagram mindset that can propel your career and/or business growth - Introverts and others! Use social media to build your professional network - Clothing makes you feel a certain way, leverage that strategically - First impressions are largely shaped by the way you dress - Whether male or female, choose accessories to elevate your look - Nail that meeting with an intimidating audience (or television appearance) Follow Patricia Mae Olson on Instagram or check out her website for more information about her Preppy Podcast, her styling and PR work. This episode brought to you by The Practical Guide to Effective Communication: Get Recognized for the Value You Already Contribute by Laura Camacho, PhD.

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Speak Up with Laura Camacho is ranked #2 of the Top Communication Skills Podcasts by Feedspot. Laura Camacho, PhD, is a culture fixer. She defines a healthy culture as one where everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. She helps companies and individuals fine-tune precision communication skills that build a healthy culture and a better bottom line.