Episode 179: Stairs

Welcome back to Carolyn, our graphic designer! Thanks to this week’s Patreon supporter, Katy C.! Phoenix Register: MinaLima presents new sketches from Newt’s field notebook. There are a total of eight postcard designs, including two mystery designs. “They’re upcharging for cuteness and mystery.” Owl Post: TinasHotDog on IG writes in about how she would have liked Jacob and Queenie’s reunion to go. Main Discussion: Scenes 91-94 of the screenplay So. Many. Stairs. Confidence is Henrietta’s best accessory. Please make Kama make sense! “Insert ridiculous fan theory: GALLEONS.” No speeches = mad Marjo. “Vogel isn’t running because nobody likes him.” Did Grindelwald love Dumbledore, or just what he represented? Time-Turner: the suitcase! How do you test if a suitcase is waterproof? Someone write in and tell Carolyn why she’s wrong about Extension Charms. Podcast Question: What do you think the candidate’s platforms were? (For our takes on it, check out Episode 154, “Ominous Vibes.”)

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