Chantal Lamontagne – Get to Know Your Sexual Energy and Give It What It Needs

Chantal Lamontagne is a relationship coach who has built a reputation for reuniting separated couples by working with only one partner! Her motto is: To make love we have to touch , to touch one another we have to talk to each other, and to talk to one another we have to understand each other. She has developed the Sexship Love Concept and is the author of the best selling book, “Sexship Love, the Art of Sexual Intelligence.” (This page is in French.  Click on the “translate” page in Chrome if you need a different language.) Quote or Mantra “Love and intimacy are the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well.  I am not aware of any other factor in medicine, not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not surgery that has a greater impact on the quality of our life, incidence of illness and premature death.”  Dr. Dean Ornish Tripped Up in a Partnership “It was a ‘my heart was destroyed moment’ more than tripping.  When the man I thought would be the love of my life left me and I didn’t know why…Then I figured it out.” The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever When she realized that “Men are our hero.” Proudest moment in partnership When she receives emails saying “You saved my life.  You helped me to reconnect with my wife.” Current Partnership that Has You Excited Chantal’s relationship with herself.  “I used to live on crumbs.  And there’s never enough crumbs to feel full and cared for.” If feels great, because everyone benefits from it. What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received? Hoʻoponopono – an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness Personal Partnership Habits “I start anything I do by asking, “How do I take care of myself?”  What does her body need? What is the best resource to have a better day today? Chantal’s YouTube channel – Best Partnership Book The MindBody Code: How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success The chapter “Gardens of the Heart” is Chantal’s favorite. Parting Advice “Show me a happy couple and I will show you someone who has a spiritual discipline.  And I’ll explain what a spiritual discipline is.” “Get to know your sexual energy and give it what it needs…” Interview Links – Chantal’s Website – (This page is in French.  Click on the “translate” page in Chrome if you need a different language.) Chantal’s Facebook Page

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Here on Speaking of Partnership, Ken Bechtel interviews leaders from all walks of life such as Alison Armstrong, Drs. Joy and Roy Martina, Ken Page, Dr. Margaret Paul, Bryan Reeves about their personal trip ups and triumphs in partnership. Whether you are looking to create or enhance a personal, professional, romantic or family partnership, Speaking of Partnership is for you. Our guest open up and share stories, often never revealed before, about their biggest trip up and their proudest moment in partnership. We wrap up each show with specific guidance and resources you can apply immediately to take your partnerships to the next level.