Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Make life a Yes to Yes experience

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you… …taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Courtney Walsh Not Following – Courtney had a friend/roommate/business partner who admitted that she didn’t want to live together, she wanted to work together.  And Courtney admitted that she didn’t want to work together, she wanted to be roommates and friends. Owning this was very beautiful for two people pleasers to admit Following – She follows her “Yes” daily in her everyday activities, so it is hard to pull one out. The biggest one is continuing to follow her “Yes” that she is a writer and author and speaker and that is who she is. Her life is a Yes to Yes experience. Listen to Courtney’s full interview here Connect with Courtney – Courtney’s Facebook Page Arielle Ford Not Following – Arielle always follows her intuition – always, but there was one time when her husband… Following – She literally follows her “Yes” or intuition every day. For example, Arielle had a proposal to write for someone and did not want to do it.  So she came up with an excuse and then another.  Finally, she wrote to the woman to apologize for not doing it yet and heard back that the proposal was no longer needed. Listen to Arielle’s full interview here Connect with Arielle – – Download the first 3 chapters of her new book for FREE Arielle’s Facebook Page Kate O’Brien Not Following – She was offered a government contract several years ago that would pay very well but she was not excited about the process it required.  She delivered the contract, but did not look forward to delivering any of the sessions.  It felt heavy…like this was not where she wanted to be. Following – The first time she traveled to Bali she got an overwhelming sensation in her body to move to Bali from New Zealand.  Fortunately she paid attention to this door opening and took action before her old patterns pulled the door closed. Listen to both parts of Kate’s interview here – Part 1 Part 2 Connect with Kate – – get your FREE 30-day video program here Kate’s Facebook Page

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Here on Speaking of Partnership, Ken Bechtel interviews leaders from all walks of life such as Alison Armstrong, Drs. Joy and Roy Martina, Ken Page, Dr. Margaret Paul, Bryan Reeves about their personal trip ups and triumphs in partnership. Whether you are looking to create or enhance a personal, professional, romantic or family partnership, Speaking of Partnership is for you. Our guest open up and share stories, often never revealed before, about their biggest trip up and their proudest moment in partnership. We wrap up each show with specific guidance and resources you can apply immediately to take your partnerships to the next level.