Follow Your “Yes” – Stepping out of those toxic environments

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. Enjoy! Pablo Rosario Not Following – Pablo relates back to a four and a half year relationship he had in his early 20’s. He says that it should have been much shorter than that. As it progressed, things were going downhill. It was getting to the point where his partner was being a bad teammate. He kept debating on whether to leave or not. Find out what happened next by listening to the show. Following – This situation ended up being one of the turning points in Pablo’s life. He left all of his relationships and ended up moving to the other side of the country. He got a job offer in California. He is from New Jersey and knew nobody in California. He decided right away that he was going to move. Find out what happened next by listening to the show. Listen to Pablo’s full interview here Connect with Pablo – His Website Instagram Reba Riley Not Following – This is when Reba decided to go into business with her best friend. Her “yes” was that she needed to tell her friend the truth, but she didn’t do that. Because of this, they ended up losing their friendship for a year. Find out more by listening to the episode. Following – With Reba’s book, “Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome”, she was originally with another publisher. She ended up getting an opportunity to meet with another agent. Meeting with this agent was going to take travel and time, but she had a strong sense that she needed to do this. She ended up meeting with the agent and it ended up being one of the best decisions she’s ever made. Find out what happened next by listening to the interview. Listen to Reba’s full interview here Connect with Reba – Her Website Instagram Facebook Twitter

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Here on Speaking of Partnership, Ken Bechtel interviews leaders from all walks of life such as Alison Armstrong, Drs. Joy and Roy Martina, Ken Page, Dr. Margaret Paul, Bryan Reeves about their personal trip ups and triumphs in partnership. Whether you are looking to create or enhance a personal, professional, romantic or family partnership, Speaking of Partnership is for you. Our guest open up and share stories, often never revealed before, about their biggest trip up and their proudest moment in partnership. We wrap up each show with specific guidance and resources you can apply immediately to take your partnerships to the next level.