Follow Your “Yes” – The clues are always there

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Lorna Poole Not Following – Before she changed her life, she met one too many bad boys and she hit rock bottom. She wasn’t listening to her inner guidance. She was getting red flags every which way. She ended up getting very sick, she stopped eating, and became depressed. Following – The day after she hit rock bottom, she decided that she was going to change her life. She didn’t want to be with anyone else who treated her poorly. She ended up wanting to be a coach, so she packed her bags and went to Chicago to get her certification. Listen to Lorna’s full interview here Connect with Lorna- 15 Fun & Flirty Conversation Starters That Get The Hot Guy To Notice You. Facebook Twitter Robert & Melanie Novak Not Following – Melanie explains that she was married before and she knew it wasn’t a good thing. She didn’t listen to her guidance and intuition. She kept telling herself that she was just getting jitters and kept pushing her feelings aside. If she had listened to herself at that time, she would have saved herself a lot of time and heartache. Listen to find out what Robert had to say about a time when he didn’t follow his “Yes”. Following – Robert offered up some information that you have to follow your guidance. If something cost a few thousand dollars, or something is holding you back and you’re having second thoughts; if your gut is telling you yes, then go with it and do it. Listen to find out what Melanie says about a time when she did follow her “Yes”. Listen to Robert & Melanie’s full interview here Connect with Robert & Melanie- Share the magic of the proposal

Om Podcasten

Here on Speaking of Partnership, Ken Bechtel interviews leaders from all walks of life such as Alison Armstrong, Drs. Joy and Roy Martina, Ken Page, Dr. Margaret Paul, Bryan Reeves about their personal trip ups and triumphs in partnership. Whether you are looking to create or enhance a personal, professional, romantic or family partnership, Speaking of Partnership is for you. Our guest open up and share stories, often never revealed before, about their biggest trip up and their proudest moment in partnership. We wrap up each show with specific guidance and resources you can apply immediately to take your partnerships to the next level.