Nijole Sparkis – Have compassion for yourself

Nijole Sparkis is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner and Relationship Coach who helps her clients heal their relationships to create the love they desire. Coming from a background where her parents fought constantly and ultimately divorced, then moving into adulthood with her own dysfunctional relationships, Nijole eventually learned to turn it all around using spiritual principles. As a result, she miraculously attracted her true soulmate, whom she has been married to for over 19 years. Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi When You Tripped Up Nijole was constantly creating relationships with guys that did not honor her because she did not know how to honor herself. Proudest moment in partnership Nijole was able to turn all of these painful relationships around when she got honest with herself about what she wanted in her life and in her relationships.  She used to label it and reject it. As soon as she opened up to the possibility of having what she wanted she met her soulmate, Fritz. She was able to see in Fritz what she had never seen before over the 4 1/2 years she had known him. Current Partnership that Has You Excited Nijole’s partnership with her higher self is so exciting for her.  She is constantly nurturing this relationship.  And it takes practice. What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received? Face whatever is inside of yourself that you don’t want to see and feel the feelings that you want to avoid. Have compassion for yourself. Best Partnership Book or Resource You Can Heal Your Life Interview Links – Nijole’s Facebook Page

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Here on Speaking of Partnership, Ken Bechtel interviews leaders from all walks of life such as Alison Armstrong, Drs. Joy and Roy Martina, Ken Page, Dr. Margaret Paul, Bryan Reeves about their personal trip ups and triumphs in partnership. Whether you are looking to create or enhance a personal, professional, romantic or family partnership, Speaking of Partnership is for you. Our guest open up and share stories, often never revealed before, about their biggest trip up and their proudest moment in partnership. We wrap up each show with specific guidance and resources you can apply immediately to take your partnerships to the next level.