Episode 38: 'Surrender' w/ Dorota Stańczyk

SEASON 4 IS HERE! After a little time off to catch a breath post SPILL: LIVE, we are back in a brand new studio and honoured to invite Transformational Artist, speaker and author of '(Re)Create Yourself', Dorota Stanczyk onto the show.In Episode 38, Shean, Lucas and Dorota discuss overcoming an 'incurable' sickness and panic attacks, understanding fear and ego, what 'the perfect relationship' truly looks like and healing through surrender.Join our Patreon family for hours more of conver...

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SPILL is brought to you by actor Lucas Jones & musician Shean Williams. It’s a collection of insightful and honest conversations discussing the joys, sorrows, triumphs and transitions traversing the ever-changing world of the entertainment industry.