212:Q&A Cafe’ Pt. 4

You are invited to this sneak peek inside the Q&A Cafe’, which meets on 1st Fridays at 3pm Eastern. Our discussion runs the gambit of fringe conspiracy to Deep things of God, to practical tools and tips to help you operate your business from heaven.Join us next month: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/cafe/LINKS:- Get Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/book- Join the Encounters group on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 Eastern.Email us: Team@SpiritCenteredBusiness.com if you are interested.- The Business Ekklesia is currently on break, but check back here:http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/biz-ekk- Check out the FREE RESOURCES in our new store! http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/shopCopyright © 2024 Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Our mission at Spirit-Centered Business™ is to support Christian business professionals to walk out their destiny through their business. The biggest, most impactful move of God happens when everyday marketplace people show up and be who God created them to be. We are called to be kings and priests, and our business is the kingdom where we can shift culture for His Kingdom, and leave a legacy that transcends the physical realm.We bring expert teaching in both business and spiritual principles, as well as stories of how our guests came out of "churchianity" to seek out the deeper things of God, and how their spiritual journey now impacts their business.Find Spiritual Business Coaching, Breakthrough Encounters, and other tools and training here: http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.comTeam@SpiritCenteredBusiness.com