61: Kingdom Innovation - Malvina Laudicina on Spirit-Centered Business

Malvina Laudicina is a prophetic artist, life coach, public speaker, author, and business owner. Her passion is to equip people with creative solutions, allowing them to uncover their God-given destiny.TOPICS:- Raising up creative people - craftsmen- Defining what is blocking us - horns- Craftsmen have unique makeups- We are not made to fly solo- Your makeup affects your innovative process- Faith is Key- Can’t build new things on the old foundation- Partner with God ideas- Your authority and mantle comes from your assignment- Chiseling destiny, figuring out who you are- Letting go of our expectations- Heavenly shadows is a wheel within a wheel- Generosity brings a shift to the spirit- Investing in God- What does your shadow look like- Don't be pulled by forces of wrong timing- Chiseling Destiny workshop GOLD NUGGETS:1) We can decree things, but we also need someone who is called and chosen to take that prophetic decree and the heavenly shadow of what that word or invention is, and to then join in and execute it. 2) We can’t solve our social problems from the same place where we created them. We need to go to a higher dimension where God is. God is the solution for the horns that are terrorizing us. It’s connecting at a higher level. 3) To be a vessel on earth, we have conditions and criteria to meet before we can become a craftsman. To be a craftsman you have to be willing to lay down to be the bridge for the person to get to where they need to go. It requires a surrender on your part. 4) Faith works by more than just decreeing something and then receiving it. Faith works by dealing with foundational things and then also by renewing our mind to be innovative. 5) Understand what’s in your scroll, your assignment, and gifts so you can use these in the right place and for the right purpose. 6) Understanding who you are keeps you from innovating as a counterfeit. If you are innovating as a counterfeit the shadow of heaven will not be authentic to yourself and you will not manifest the true shadow because you are using the wrong mind and therefore your shadow may be a little crooked. 7) When people get innovative they get in position to start flowing and they then partner with others to bring it all together in a unified flow. QUOTES:- We partner with others in their redemptive gifts and Jesus is the cornerstone to build a strong foundation.- We all design and create differently because redemptively, we are created uniquely different.- David received the blueprint for the actual temple, he had everything he needed to reach the goal. It wasn’t for him to build the temple, but Solomon was chosen to build it by the blueprint. - Jesus took water and turned it into wine, that was innovative. Innovative is something that speaks of things we don’t have and making it into something.- My workshop is very practical with practical exercises that challenges you and pushes you to be innovative. Some are so practical that they can be done on the go. LINKS:- Join Malvina’s Kingdom Innovation Workshop: http://MalvinaLaudicina.com/kingdom-innovation- Connect with Malvina: http://MalvinaLaudicina.com- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe- Design your Leveraged, Scalable & Sustainable business model from Heaven's blueprint and bring the Transformation in the world you and your...

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Welcome to Spirit-Centered Business™ with Bralynn Newby. Spiritual principles, Business principles - Combined. The Next Age of doing business by being spirit-centered is coming together in collaboration, working with spiritual principles, and knowing our destiny. We are entrepreneurs, leaders, and business professionals who take the power of the spirit realm in our business seriously. We go beyond just consuming information. We participate, activate, and engage with the supernatural with unbelievable results. Join us as we blend the spiritual with the practical for supernatural results.Book a Spiritual Coaching session:http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.comBralynn@SpiritCenteredBusiness.com