76: Pt. 1 Operating from Father’s Heart - Carolyn and Andy Arnold on Spirit-Centered Business
Andy Arnold’s charismatic life, heartfelt artwork and motivational products, exemplify his God-given passion to change his world one brush-stroke at a time. Andy's desire is to create works of art that speak what is in his heart. Much of his work is donated to raise money for disabled veterans. His mom, Carolyn, is also an accomplished artist and supports Andy in his business, Andy’s No Limits Art. Her business is called Gilded Carriage Art. Together they teach and speak and create beauty in the world.TOPICS:- Sitting in Andy’s chairs brings healing - All inspiration comes from heaven- Riding the wave of no limits- Declaring no limits led to Jeff Domansky on ATSTT - Andy’s copy and paste method- Being obedient and trusting Yahweh in a relationship- Turbulent times call for rest & trust- When the Lord says keep going- Divine connections- Sitting in his essence- Following God’s directions for No Limits Ranch- Hosting disabled children and disabled veterans and families at the ranch- God’s timing for the Feast of Tabernacles to sukkah with us GOLD NUGGETS: The Tree of Life chair is flowing with the River of Life down to the seat so you sit in the river. The fruit is for the food and the leaves are for the healing of the nations. You can connect further with Jeff Domansky on Above the Sun Trading Tables on SCB podcast #72 and #73.The Eye of God Nebula painting also has a matching Eye of God Nebula Chair. It can be looked at as the River of Life that flows up to the Eye of God or the Eye of God that flows down to the River of Life, It brings healing through the movement of the flow in both directions. Like Genesis 1 when the Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters.Andy’s Copy/Paste Manifesting Method: When I go into the heavenly realms, whatever I see, I copy and declare here on the earth. Then, I manifest it by pasting it in this earthly realm in my designs. I stay connected with God by being in a quiet prayer time, and remaining in that place of quietness. In him I live and move and have my being. It's a place of being, so I can hear God and he can speak through me.Living in a relationship with God brings me in union with him so I may co-labor and co-create with him. It brings us deeper and broader with much more beautiful responsibility. QUOTES:- Psalms 17:8 -” Keep me in the apple of the eye.” So when you sit in this chair you are in the eye of Father. - The bells are ringing off the wall.- Andy is the CEO, and I am everything else. (Carolyn)- Stop being fearful and start being faithful.- Love, discipline and relationship with the Lord becomes a part of your being. - Don’t do Love, be Love. Be imitators of God. He’s in you and you are in him.- He is the God of quietness.- I awaken you morning by morning to learn as one that has been taught.- No Limits Ranch is already funded. (And your project could be too - ask!) LINKS:- Support the No Limits Ranch: http://TheNoLimitsRanch.com- See Andy’s art: https://www.andysnolimitsart.com- See Carolyn’s art: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/2-carolyn-arnold- Get Andy’s T-shirts: http://bit.ly/andystshirts - Learn more about the Quantum Capacity Business Challenge: http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/capacity- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe:...