Episode 44: Circe (with Jess Zimmerman)

#Creeptober is just around the corner, but we’re starting the season out right with one of our favorite creepy-cool witches: Circe. From turning men into pigs, enchanting sailors with herbs and feasts, and turning A WOMAN INTO A BUNCH OF DOGS FROM THE WAIST DOWN, Circe is the biggest badass the Odyssey has to offer. Featuring how ace/aro folks would make a killing in the love potion business, how you should never eat food given to you by a beautiful woman, the question of cannibalism in men-pigs, and an herb called HOLY MOLEY. Follow Jess on Twitter @j_zimms and Jaya @jayasax! Catch up on her incredible monster essays for Catapult, the piece she wrote with Jaya on coauthoring a book with your friend, her coverage of the NY Times Bestseller scandal, and absolutely check out Basic Witches. Our sponsors this week: Audible is your one-stop-shop for audiobooks to fill the void now that you’re caught up on Spirits. Visit audible.com/spirits for a free book, just for being a Spirits listener! Amanda recommends We Are Okay by Nina LaCour, and Julia recommends Provenance by Ann Leckie. StoryBlocks gives you high-quality stock images, video, and vectors for a fraction of the cost. Check out storyblocks.com/spirits to start your free 7-day trial, and tweet us the best stock image you can find out of the 400,000+ they have to offer! If you like Spirits, help us grow by spreading the word! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, & Goodreads, and review us on iTunes to help new listeners find the show. You can support us on Patreon to unlock bonus audio content, director’s commentaries, custom recipe cards, and so much more. Merch is for sale at spiritspodcast.com/merch. To read up on us, listen to us on other podcasts, or send us a note, just head on over to SpiritsPodcast.com. Our music is "Danger Storm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.

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A boozy dive into mythology, legends, and folklore. Every week we pour a drink and dive into a new story from around the world. Hear fresh takes on classic myths and learn new stories from around the world, served up over ice by two tipsy history geeks. New episodes every Wednedsay!