6 Year Energies, Fearlessness and the Frequency of Mary Magdalene with Isabelle von Fallois

A VERY special release on a very special PORTAL DAY 11/11-22Because in this episode we reconnect with our beloved, angelic, wisdom keeper, healer and wonder woman Isabelle von Fallois. Our first conversation with Isabelle was in Episode 13 so please check out that Episode if you haven't already listened.Isabelle is a true mystic, a healer, teacher and a best-selling author. She is the founder of The Angel Life Coach Training, the ISIS Angel Healing, Magdalene Healing and the Sacred Women Sessions.We are in the midst of the Eclipse Season and in Scorpio season - where the theme is death and transformation so it felt really aligned that we started out our conversation talking about death and Isabelle sharing about her different near death experiences and the lessons she brought back into this 3D world. In this context we talk about the Subtle body and if you're not familiar with the Subtle body, please check our Instagram, where we will write some words about it. And we talk a lot about fear and becoming fearless. Isabelle shares how we can connect to Mary Magdalene to help us release fear.As we are now moving towards the end of this year 2022 - the 6 year - and the year of the Magdalene frequency we were really curious to hear more about Mary Magdalene, her history and her wisdom and how we can connect to her and her guidance towards connecting with our own divine feminine energy - especially during these final weeks of this auspicious year - the YEAR OF DESTINY. Isabelle is a channel of Mary Magdalene and she shares so beautifully from her heart, the wisdom she and Mary Magdalene embodies.MEDITATION INSIDE!Isabelle also introduces another warrior woman - Jeanne d'Arc and towards the end of the episode, Isabelle guides us in a meditation to call in these two great women and to be strengthened by their wonderful feminine power in our everyday life. There are so many things we talked about in this episode but we finally also just wanted to mention that we also discuss the Arcline, what it is, how we can work with it and strengthen it and how the Arcline is connected to this 6 year energy and to both Mary Magdalene and Jeanne' D'Arc - very exiting!Well, so much wisdom shared in this conversation - we hope you will love it!If you want to know more about Isabelle, please check out her website and follow her on Facebook and on Instagram, @isavonfallois and of course - listen to Episode 13 if you haven't already.And if you want to follow us you find us on Instagram @spiriturious Josefina @jflowsthlm and Emma på @spiriturious_emma.THANK YOU for listening!!HAPPY 11/11 PORTAL!!Peace & LoveEmma and JosefinaSound: Tex, produktion & musik: Alvin Wetterholm och Eskil Lindh Hedegård, Digital Musikproduktion StorumanArtwork: Mikaela Aare Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Om Podcasten

Spiriturious är bron mellan världar. Följ med Josefina Carlbom när hon, ofta tillsammans med spännande gäster, utforskar livets stora frågor: vem är jag, varför är jag här, hur kan jag leva och skapa mitt drömliv och hur kan vi skapa en bättre, mer kärleksfull och hållbar värld? Här låter vi nyfikenheten styra och gränser suddas ut. Här får spiritualitet och personlig utveckling möta entreprenörsskap och affärsvärlden. Hållbarhet möter holistisk hälsa och livsstil. Struktur möter kreativitet. Spiriturious är en förlängning av Josefinas mission. Att vara bron mellan världar - jurist och rådgivare i musikbranschen OCH spirituell lärare, healer, astrolog och kreatör. "Jag vill visa dig att ingenting är omöjligt, att du får vara ALLT och att en bättre värld ÄR möjlig. Spiriturious vill höja vibrationen för alla och inspirera till den fundamentala insikten att inga drömmar är för stora." Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.