# 70-A: Vareschi Spot ("How's Your Wire?")

GREETINGS! - DON'T BE ALARMED - This week we hammer out an anti-theft device. It's amazing what sounds are hidden in the world's worst chirping oscillator. This episode of SWWE is brought to you by Vareschi Mastering. Get your clock checked! https://www.vareschimastering.com/

Om Podcasten

Spoken Word with Electronics https://www.ep.tc/spoken-word Stories and Sound Pieces by Ethan Persoff "Ridiculous Electronic Noise" - WFMU "A Champion for our Collective Sanity" - AV CLUB "A Kind of Word Jazz" - SYNTHTOPIA "Uses Time Productively" - DAZED Notes for each episode on Boing Boing: https://boingboing.net/tag/spoken-word-with-electronics Thank you for listening. "Are you a Listener. Find the Other Listeners." (AY!ALF!TOL!) SWWESCRIBE AT: http://ep.tc/swwe.rss