# 73-A: "Don't Turn Away" (Oscillating Insects, Heat, and a U.E.G.)

SWWE #73: "One Hundred and Ten By Day..." (A Human Mind Cooks in the HEAT) This episode of Spoken Word with Electronics is brought to you by Vareschi Mastering. Are your tracks Climate Controlled? https://www.vareschimastering.com/

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Spoken Word with Electronics https://www.ep.tc/spoken-word Stories and Sound Pieces by Ethan Persoff "Ridiculous Electronic Noise" - WFMU "A Champion for our Collective Sanity" - AV CLUB "A Kind of Word Jazz" - SYNTHTOPIA "Uses Time Productively" - DAZED Notes for each episode on Boing Boing: https://boingboing.net/tag/spoken-word-with-electronics Thank you for listening. "Are you a Listener. Find the Other Listeners." (AY!ALF!TOL!) SWWESCRIBE AT: http://ep.tc/swwe.rss