Episode 20, Introduction, "We Will Arrive at Goodland, Soon"

SPOKEN WORD WITH ELECTRONICS #20: A Tribute to Anne Sexton Greetings, all. This is the final set of SWWE for a few weeks. This has been a crazy experience to put together an hour-long show every week for around twenty episodes, and I need a little time off to regroup, record some new music, and write out a few other pieces. This final episode catches me up, personally, with posting a bunch of work, too. Much of this show originated as a proposed album series on writers I love. It became a weekly show, partly out of Covid changing my focus and time. But there have been a number of writers I love included here from those earliest recordings: from David Berman, Henry Miller, Kathy Acker, e.e. cummings, Paul Krassner, and even performers like Mel Blanc or Belle Barth. The final piece from those original set of music are two tracks I'm posting today. It's a tribute to Anne Sexton, and I suppose a subheading could be "Romancing our worst intentions". — I think about Anne Sexton a lot. I think about her from her work, which has an indelible effect on anyone who ever reads it, to the final beautiful book title, "The Awful Rowing Toward God", and to her poised and amazing speaking voice. Few poets speak their work as well as Anne Sexton, which I think you'll hear in the two tribute pieces in the playlist. I think about taking care of ourselves this challenging year, too. If you have people that matter in your life, tell them. And if you're feeling worried about your own health or happiness, mention it to others, anonymously or directly, too. The talking cure is real, either clinically or with a friend. Be well, and, to quote Sexton, "Live Now". Life is an amazing experience, both dark and bright moments included. Full notes and links: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/29/hear-an-electronic-music-tribu.html

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Spoken Word with Electronics https://www.ep.tc/spoken-word Stories and Sound Pieces by Ethan Persoff "Ridiculous Electronic Noise" - WFMU "A Champion for our Collective Sanity" - AV CLUB "A Kind of Word Jazz" - SYNTHTOPIA "Uses Time Productively" - DAZED Notes for each episode on Boing Boing: https://boingboing.net/tag/spoken-word-with-electronics Thank you for listening. "Are you a Listener. Find the Other Listeners." (AY!ALF!TOL!) SWWESCRIBE AT: http://ep.tc/swwe.rss