Episode 23, Introduction: "1-900 Bird Party for President"

SPOKEN WORD WITH ELECTRONICS #23: 1980s Telephone Voting Hardware Greetings everyone, welcome back to the show. This week we look back at telephone polling hardware from the 1980s and ask the question: "What if they'd evolved into how we vote in elections?" The technology for phone voting became pretty robust, including synthesized voices and other nice ideas. But nice ideas are quickly exploited, so it got quickly monetized into the foul world of 1-900 numbers. The monetization of spending 50¢ to call a 1-900 number and leave an opinion destroyed public perception of the phone as a democratic tool, but before that happened there were a few wonderful innovations. Bell Labs had been working on voice recognition since the 1950s, for example, and this week's episode of SWWE focuses on one company's effort to develop two devices: The simply named TELEPHONE POLL from 1982 and the exotic named follow-up, the ESCAPE-600, from 1986. Here is a collection of brochures and other material on both the TELEPHONE POLL and the ESCAPE-600: http://www.ep.tc/telephone-voting We also discuss the September 15th "Burn Your Mask" day, which Media Matters has chronicled here in full idiocy: https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/facebook-allowing-campaign-ditch-face-masks-en-masse-spread https://soundcloud.com/eptc/sets/spoken-word-with-electronics-episode-23

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Spoken Word with Electronics https://www.ep.tc/spoken-word Stories and Sound Pieces by Ethan Persoff "Ridiculous Electronic Noise" - WFMU "A Champion for our Collective Sanity" - AV CLUB "A Kind of Word Jazz" - SYNTHTOPIA "Uses Time Productively" - DAZED Notes for each episode on Boing Boing: https://boingboing.net/tag/spoken-word-with-electronics Thank you for listening. "Are you a Listener. Find the Other Listeners." (AY!ALF!TOL!) SWWESCRIBE AT: http://ep.tc/swwe.rss